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Goals Quotes
This section contains Goals Quotes

True happiness, we are told, consists in getting out of one's self, but the point is not only to get out; you must stay out, and to stay out, you must have some absorbing errand. (Quote by - Henry James)

The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose. (Quote by - John Mason Brown)

My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose -- somehow we win out (Quote by - Ronald Reagan)

A woman finds the natural lay of the land almost unconsciously; and not feeling it incumbent on her to be guide and philosopher to any successor, she takes little pains to mark the route by which she is making her ascent. (Quote by - Antoinette Brown Blackwell)

A lot of young girls have looked to their career paths and have said they'd like to be chief. There's been a change in the limits people see. (Quote by - Wilma Pearl Mankiller)

Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. ... You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin. (Quote by - Kathleen Norris)

The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream. (Quote by - Harry Kemp)

You have to erect a fence and say, "Okay, scale this." (Quote by - Linda Ronstadt)

The business of life is to enjoy oneself; everything else is a mockery. (Quote by - Norman Douglas)

Not failure, but low aim, is crime. (Quote by - James Russell Lowell)

Goals are dreams with deadlines. (Quote by - Diana Scharf Hunt)

I probably hold the distinction of being one movie star who, by all laws of logic, should never have made it. At each stage of my career, I lacked the experience. (Quote by - Audrey Hepburn)

If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. (Quote by - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

What exactly is success? For me it is to be found not in applause, but in the satisfaction of feeling that one is realizing one's ideal. (Quote by - Anna Pavlova)

Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want. (Quote by - Marsha Sinetar)

The man who succeeds above his fellows is the one who early in life discerns his object and toward that object habitually directs his powers. Even genius itself is but fine observation strengthened by fixity of purpose. (Quote by - Edward Bulwer-Lytton)

Too low they build, who build beneath the stars. (Quote by - Edward Young)

The man who seeks one thing in life, and but one May hope to achieve it before life be done. But he who seeks all things wherever he goes Only reaps from the hopes which around him he sows A harvest of barren regrets. (Quote by - Owen Meredith)

Great is the road I climb, but... the garland offered by an easier effort is not worth the gathering. (Quote by - Propertius)

You can't assume the responsibility for everything you do-or don't do. (Quote by - Simone de Beauvoir)

Every true man, sir, who is a little above the level of the beasts and plants, lives so as to give a meaning and a value to his own life. (Quote by - Luigi Pirandello)

When one paints an ideal, one does not need to limit one's imagination. (Quote by - Ellen Key)

There are people who want to be everywhere at once, and they get nowhere. (Quote by - Carl Sandburg)

No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purpose. (Quote by - Minot Simons)

I have the same goal I've had ever since I was a little girl. I want to rule the world. (Quote by - Madonna)

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