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New York Quotes
This section contains New York Quotes

The city is permanently cruel. (Quote by - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.)

You hear little about West End Avenue. It is too genteel to have much taste for publicity. (Quote by - Christopher Morley)

Situated on an island, which I think it will one day cover, it rises like Venice, from the sea, and like the fairest of cities in the days of her glory, receives into its lap tribute of all the riches of the earth. (Quote by - Frances Trollope)

You couldn't prove in court that Hollywood was also born on the Upper West Side, but D.W. Griffith was living on West 100th Street when he started in the film business. (Quote by - Peter Salwen)

New York is not a city to return to in defeat. (Quote by - Moss Hart)

Consider Riverside Drive, where residents' senses were assaulted by the horns and steam whistles of the passing river traffic, the clanging of trains passing below the park, and the stench from cattle cars that were sometimes parked for days on their way to the abbatoirs of the West 60s. (Quote by - Peter Salwen)

Prison towers and modern posters for soap and whiskey. (Quote by - Frank Lloyd Wright)

Lovers in New York don't turn against it.....because of taxes or crime or decaying public services. They do it because their happiness here is so dependent on illusions, and their illusions collapse. (Quote by - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.)

New York now leads the world's great cities in the number of people around whom you shouldn't make a sudden move. (Quote by - David Letterman)

No other American city is so intensely American as New York. (Quote by - Anthony Trollope)

In New York City, the common bats fly only at twilight. Brick-bats fly at all hours. (Quote by - George Dennison Prentice)

I dug it, New York City, all-the streets and the snows and the starving and the five-flight walkups and sleeping in rooms with ten people. I dug the trains and the shadows, the way I dug ore mines and coal mines. I just jumped right to the bottom of New York. (Quote by - Bob Dylan)

Well, little old Noisyville-on-the-Subway is good enough for me. . . . Me for it from the rathskellers up. Sixth Avenue is the West now to me. (Quote by - O. Henry)

New York is notoriously the largest and least loved of any of our great cities. Why should it be loved as a city? It is never the same city for a dozen years altogether. A man born forty years ago finds nothing, absolutely nothing, of the New York he knew. (Quote by - Harper's Monthly)

Only New York could have produced such a welcome. It beat a snowstorm all to pieces. (Quote by - Charles Lindbergh)

There's no room for amateurs, even in crossing the streets. (Quote by - George Segal)

The Empire State, a lonely dinosaur, rose sadly at midtown, highest tower, tallest mountain, longest road, King Kong's eyrie, meant to moor airships, alas. (Quote by - Vincent Scully)

The whole of New York is rebuilt about once in ten years. (Quote by - Philip Hone)

The world is grand, awfully big and astonishingly beautiful, frequently thrilling. But I love New York. (Quote by - Dorothy Kilgallen)

It is an art form to hate New York City properly. So far I have always been a featherweight debunker of New York; it takes too much energy and endurance to record the infinite number of ways the city offends me. (Quote by - Pat Conroy)

The faces in New York remind me of people who played a game and lost. (Quote by - Murray Kempton)

In crossing Union Square, in front of the monument to Washington, in the very shadow, indeed, projected by the image of the pater patrie -- one of them remarked to the other, 'It seems a rum-looking place.' (Quote by - Henry James)

New York is a diamond iceberg floating in river water. (Quote by - Truman Capote)

New York is a great city to live in if you can afford to get out of it. (Quote by - William Cole)

Up in the heights of the evening skies I see my City of Cities float In sunset's golden and crimson dyes: I look and a great joy clutches my throat! Plateau of roofs by canyons crossed: windows by thousands fire-furled-- O gazing, how the heart is lost in the Deepest City in the World. (Quote by - James Oppenheim)

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